Saturday, December 24, 2005

today is X'mas eve...wish everyone a merry chistmas! more wk n holiday is nose gt a lot of blackheads...seok han told me to squeeze them out...i tried, n it's nt very painful...but the problem is dat after squeezing,my nose will be very red...den my nose won't hav any blackheds...but after a few days,they'll appear i use scrud...but i only get a polished nose in e end...i noe dat when u scrub smthg,u inevitably polish it as well...but i dun wan a shiny nose when my blackheads aren't removed...instead,a shiny nose make them more obvious...btw,i feel dat e hair on my arm n leg are getting longer n denser...argh!...they oso look blacker than before...though i can be optimistic n think dat i've become fairer... :)...

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