Saturday, September 30, 2006

my prelim marks are so L1R5 was 10 in r mid-yr and now it's still 10!...haiz,hard to get into vjc with this kind of result...but i'm still gonna put it as my 1st, i'm writing an appeal letter now juz in case i gt rejected...but i dunno how to write one!!...stupid ss/ge...why trip sci ppl MUST study ss/ge?!...i gt a B4...all because of dis subject,my L1R5 is 10... and i aimed for 8 which most of e ppl i noe gt... T_T...haiz,i had better boost my ego a bit...
my eng gt A2!!! O.O...hahaha...i had neva gotten an A for eng since i enter secondary happy...but just hope that i'll maintain this for o lvl...all my maths and 3 sciences gt A1!!!...ahahaha...i gt 74.7 for bio so rounded up to 75...damn lucky...,i think my ego too big liao...ok,i shall nt tok abt e prelim anymore...(i sound so much lyk yy)...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

i had a few strange dreams these few days...last last night,i dreamt that i had a slight fever...abt 37.6 degree i went to e hospital(wonder y it wasn't some clinic)...anyway,well u noe,hospitals had air-con,so after i went there n waited for some time to register...e nurse at e counter measured my body temperature n said i had no more fever n i was to go i gt angry(and i wonder why too,since i dun really show my emotions in front of strangers)...anyway,i gt angry and started scolding e nurse...
next scene: i was on a cab(wonder how i gt there,wasn't i just scolding e nurse)...e cab was driving in a tunnel and it was going downwards...i had a feling that e cab is going down down and down...until i feel i'm below e sea...i see other tunnels leading to else where and i see sings with France and Australia etc written on them...i look out of e cab and saw a sign which show where i was going...hooray!i'm going America by an underground tunnel which is far below e sea...i feel i'm ranting...better stop talking nonsense... ...

Friday, September 15, 2006

wahhahahaha...prelims almost over...left only emaths paper2,hcl paper2,bio prac n phy prac....ahhh...feel so relaxed....hehehehe....physics paper was damn hard... T_T...chem paper1 was hard but paper2 was ok...and bio...hahaha...first time i have hope for A2...but won't keep my hope too high...hehehehe

Saturday, September 09, 2006

ahahaha...better wish me a happy b'dae...hehe... :)...but need to study for prelims.. T_T...boohoo!!...haiz...

read this from some bk: 以前美国曾组织了一千多科学家研究斑马究竟是白马身上长黑条纹还是黑马身上长白条纹。研究了三年后得出的结论是:斑马是花马身上长着黑白相间的条纹。

Friday, September 01, 2006 long neva blog le...yesterday was tcher's day n i was my presents for e tcher was a late meng left on ,like,last last sunday...sho sad... T_T...