Saturday, September 23, 2006

i had a few strange dreams these few days...last last night,i dreamt that i had a slight fever...abt 37.6 degree i went to e hospital(wonder y it wasn't some clinic)...anyway,well u noe,hospitals had air-con,so after i went there n waited for some time to register...e nurse at e counter measured my body temperature n said i had no more fever n i was to go i gt angry(and i wonder why too,since i dun really show my emotions in front of strangers)...anyway,i gt angry and started scolding e nurse...
next scene: i was on a cab(wonder how i gt there,wasn't i just scolding e nurse)...e cab was driving in a tunnel and it was going downwards...i had a feling that e cab is going down down and down...until i feel i'm below e sea...i see other tunnels leading to else where and i see sings with France and Australia etc written on them...i look out of e cab and saw a sign which show where i was going...hooray!i'm going America by an underground tunnel which is far below e sea...i feel i'm ranting...better stop talking nonsense... ...

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