Wednesday, September 16, 2009

mno project: the zoe project
mission: to improve the life of someone

and the conclusion that my group reached was that singapore just seem so perfect...Haiz...not that there's nothing to improve. in fact there's quite a lot we can improve like the disabled(including physically diabled, mentally disabled and intellectually disabled) there're also those that are poor. those underpriveliged kids. those ex-convicts. those drug addicts. those who are so stressed that they become suicidal. yada yada. i even thought of helping the gay community. lolx.

but then, the prob is, we only have a few weeks to achieve this and we are also supposed to make a 10 min video on it. blehx. so there's limited time, limited resources, limited capability. in the end we dropped off the disabled from the list. and some wasn't comfortable working with ex-convicts. and gay community... so we are left with not much to work with. haiz...

i'm looking forward to the recess week next week to recharge, do some revision for mid-terms and hopefully get something done for the zoe project. :)

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