Thursday, September 22, 2005

... last nite was a nightmare.... i was washing plates when i suddenly felt sumthing itchy n hairy crawling on my feet.... dis was nt e first time i had dat feeling... n e last time i felt dat way... a cockroach crawled across my feet... dis time it was oso a cockroach!!!... n it was quite big... urrrrgh!..... disgusting pests.... i screamed like hell n killed it with my slippers.... but after dat i dare nt touch it.... so i left e dead cockcroach there... lying on e kitchen floor... it was only when my dad came then was it cleared.... urgh.... i hate cockroaches....
... e first time a cockroach ran acroos my feet... it was around one yr ago... i noe there was a cockroach sumwhere in my room... coz i saw it during e day... den dat nite... i woke up to pee... as u noe... ppl hu wake up in e dead of e nite to pee are mostly half asleep n half awake.... after i peed... i juz sat on my bed... my feet on e floor... n totally forgt abt e cockroach in my room... n suddenly i felt sumthing running across my feet... n i immediately became wide awake... i quickly on e light... n managed to kill e cockroach after much chasing... it was only den dat i realized i dare nt touch it.... so i left e dead cockroach on e floor n went to sleep... i was even surprised dat i can fall asleep... after all, there's a dead cockraoch in my room... e next morning when i woke up... e dead cockroach attracted alot of ants... n i was totally disgusted... haiz... tml is my english end-yr.... wish me luck... Xp

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