Sunday, September 11, 2005

urgh... i dun think i can stand li thong animore! ...on mon n tues, we gt sum cca stuff dat everyone muz go... it was from 9am-5pm... e first thing they arranged for us to do was learning sum dance steps... unfortunately... i was late on mon due to traffic jam... when i arrived, e others hav oredi learnt half way thru... i had totally no idea wat was going on... so i cut in sumwhere at e side... shi jun, guo si, li thong, iris n laura were standing at e most side row... so i went in front of shi jun... but shi jun n guo si sasked me to go behind them... it's fine with me... i dunno anything yet aniway... i started learning with e rest though my brain is still a pool of mud... five min later li thong behind me started complaining... 'wenyi ah, you standing in front of me u noe?'... pooh, izzen dat obvious?! ...'u r obstructing me, u noe?' ... pooh, can she like move behind herself?!... aniway, i diden pay anymore attention n went on dancing... she juz shut up... sumtime later she tried to shoo me away again... i juz ask her to ask thoses behind her to move behind... she doesn't even bother to turn around n ask n juz told me straight in my face behind ppl dun wan to move.. like i would believe her!...
e next day, guo si n shi jun diden cum for e dance coz they gt sum eng lessons i think... i was late again coz gt bio remedial... so when i went there... li thong left a HUGE space for me... as soon as she saw me... she called me n said so excitedly...'wenyi ah, quick cum here'... like as if i saved her... i rolled my eyes... later dat day we need to present e dance to our teacher... guo si n shi jun was here... naturally i stood behind 'em n li thong behind me ... she refused to budge so i'm like in e middle of two rows... i asked her to move behind... she gave me e same lame excuse dat behind ppl dun wan to move... wateva... music starting n i dun feel like quarelling with her (but i definitely feel like scolding her n giving her a smack on her face)... so i juz went behind to e last person....
wat e shitty hell! ... when no one is in front of her she dare nt be e first person... den when there's too many ppl in front of her she whines n grumbles n complains like hell! ... i oso can't stand e way she pa ma pi (hitting horese ass, literally) ...she's e lower sec coordinator n mdm goh,our cca teacher, is oso her form teacher... li thong definitely has no leadership qualities... n neither is she popular in cca or in class... in fact i heard from wei ling dat no one likes her in her class... so how on earth did she gt to be e lower sec coordinator?... n oso i think dat mdm goh is rather biased... wei ling n li thong are e upper n lower sec coordinator respestively... both r from her form class.... it's too much of a coincidence... i hav no objections towards wei ling but li thong is definitely unworthy of e post... n i'm sure mdm goh is more or less aware of her unpopular status in class n cca... but she still let li thong be lower sec coordinator... aren't there better choices?... like li xue?... aniway, i think li thong is worse than chui wen... or maybe they r e same type of person
talking abt chui wen... i starting to find her ok.. when she dun talk, she's alright... but when she start talking, especially interrupting into other ppl's conversation... den i'll find her irritating... n oso when she climbs up to on e projector... i'll have goosebump.... coz she's short she hav to stand on both my chair n her chair to on it... n everytime she stands up... i feel as if she's gonna fall anitm eonto me... n i'm gonna get squashed by her... n e way she climbs on... *shudders*...haiz... but on e whole... i think she's ok lah... if she dun talk...

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