Wednesday, October 26, 2005

so sianz... supposed to go 3rd lang but i dun wan... anyway teacher is teaching lessons for those taking JLPT... n i'm nt taking... so i told my mum i going 3rd lang but actually is go n play with my junior... haiz... my jap eng-yr is 48... two more marks den pass le... but neva mind... i'm quitting anyway... my overall oso pass le
nowadays often go ale's blog... i totally like hers... but dunno why... everytime i go her blog... my heart hurt... her blog seems to be filled with sadness... she seems so lonely, i wish i could console her... but we seldom meet since we are in e diff class... sumtimes i wonder if we are true frenz...she said she hate false frenz... i wonder if i am one... sumtimes i feel like as if 不管我做什么,总会对不起某人...
it's raining outside now... n freezing cold in e com lab...i'm waiting for my junior to finish her meeting on pre-departure debrief... she's going perth this hol...muz ask her to buy sumthg for me... :p

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