Wednesday, April 03, 2013


After 4 years of uni life and tons of group projects, I've come to realize that my attitude towards group work and cooperation has changed drastically.

Hotmail has been recently upgraded to Outlook and I was sorting through all the project-related emails since year 1. Back in year 1 and year 2, I was the "enthusiastic" one, who'll blast emails to everyone in the group reminding them of the deadlines, what should be done, and when we should meet blah blah blah. And most of them were equally motivated and so there were not much issues getting projects done in an orderly manner back then.

And then, I met more people for various projects, I realized that different people has different working style, the most common would be procrastination until the last minute. And I came to understand that, sometimes, there's no need to be so kan-chiong and start on the project early, especially if most of your group mates are the procrastination kind. And human beings are lazy by nature, I procrastinate too. So as long as the project gets done eventually, I really have no issue if everyone just starts working on it one day before the deadline.

So now, with less than 2 months from graduation, I have become a serious last minute worker and most of my projects are finished in less than an hour from the submission deadline. And if my more "enthu" group mates tried to get the ball rolling, I just can't be bothered anymore. :p

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