Sunday, November 27, 2005

happy b'dae to haiyun(22/11)
happy b'dae to wanlin(24/11)

Saturday, November 19, 2005

嘿嘿...沒啥事...只想好好地叫一下... :p

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

today went to skul to buy books...there wasn't much to buy as most hav been bought last year...i bought 6 foolscap pad...hehe...dis morning when taking e lift at my flat...there was a blind 老先生...i seldom see him...but my mum said that she once saw him in orchard e lift,he asked my 'bout my studies n skul...he asked me where i'm going...i told him n e bus i'm taking which was 61...he said he's also taking 61 n hope that i can tell him when e bus e bus stop,we waited quite long for e asked me 'bout my religion...i told him i'm a freetinkle...he went on to say that i may hav no religion but i must believe dat there's a God skul met limeng...rather surprised coz thought dat she's in china...she said dat she came back to buy next year's books n she's going on e f and n trip to perth...asked her to buy some sweets for me... :p...she's streamed into e pure lit class,ss/geo,no bio...she hate bio...coz she's rather weak in bio...

Saturday, November 12, 2005

today went to skul to do CNY backdrop...10.30am reach there n we did until like 6.45pm,only left a bit... but renhui they all wanna go home n watch 王子变青蛙...sothey r like thinking cum back to skul tomolo to finish e rest... but both our cca teacher not cuming skul tomolo so we cannot cum... den yy's mum came so she said go yy's house watch e show...den finish e rest below yy's house...but i gotta go home... coz i told my mum dat e thing will finish at around 5pm... ...
i once said dat i detest cockroaches...well,here's my another unfortunate encounter with a cockroach... n it's a flying's wat happened:it was quite late in e night, around 12 midnight...i was brushing my teeth at e sink...there's a mirror in front of mum was behing me washing some stuff at e kitchen sink... so i could see her in e mirror... suddenly,out of e corner of my eye,i saw some brown stuff fly into e kitchen through e window...but i couldn't see wat it is as my mum blocked e thing in e mirror... so i turned around to check it turned out to be a big brown cockroach...i screamed n ran out of e kitchen,with my toothbrush still sticking out of my mum was like,wat's e big deal?it's juz a cockroach...i told her,dat thing can mumlooked disbelievingly at me...den as if to prove dat i was right...e cockroach went totally bersak n flew aroung e whole kitchen...bumping into e wall n ceiling...n landing on every possible place...including my shirt which was hanging there(ugh!)...finally,my father manage to get rid of it using e old traditional method(for those hu don't noe,dat is using e slippers)... ...
i would like to recommend a's called The Healer's Keep,by Victoria's about magic...after reading nearly half a year of historical romance,i'm starting to get sick of 'em...but couldn't find nice bks in e library...i came across dis one in bedok community library...n it's absolutely nice! has four main characters,three of which are gifted in the healing's e same old story of battle between e good n e evil,e light n e which e good always prevail...but e way e story is woven n e storyline is good...u muz read dis was only after finishing dia bk den i realized dat it is a companion(note:not sequel) to The Seer and the Sword...i hav read dis bk last year but hav blurred memory of it...e only link is dat one of the main character of The Healer's Keep,Saravelda Andrenos is e daughter of the two main character of The Seer and the Sword,Torina Archelda n Landen it...really very nice!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

假期終于來了...時間過地真快,明年我就是中四了...四分之三的中學生涯已在不知不覺中度過了...回顧這三年來的經歷,我覺得我真的長大了不少,也改變了不少... ...
記得中一時的我...身處在陌生的環境中,面對着陌生的人群...那時的我是多么的一臉茫然與不知所措...我不是一個外向的人,不善于交際...可能是因為怕受到傷害...我像個刺猬似的讓身上的刺豎起...一刻也不曾松懈下來...因此沒人接近得了我,也沒人敢接近我...可我知道自己是孤單的...是多么渴望友情...是多么希望能讓自己放松下來,和別人一起玩鬧嬉戲...后來,多虧有了姿雅,我才慢慢學會讓自己放松... ...
中二的我已沒有中一時那么扎手了...但在別人眼中還是母老虎一只...然而我已找到能讓我立足的地方了...也開始有自己的一圈朋友了( 雖然只是一個小圈子,但我也知足了)不過,我仍然時時提高警惕,有一點兒不對勁的地方就會馬上豎起身上的刺...結果身邊的人難免會被我刺傷...對此,我向她們致十二萬分歉意...海韻的出現讓我知道該放松時就放松...別老緊繃着精神,怪累的...偶爾瘋一下也無妨,別人是不會笑的... ...
到了中三,我又開始擔心起來了...面對那么多陌生臉孔我怕我又會回到中一時的我...在加上惠勤換到了別班,我更是忐忑不安...還好有殷悅,我才不至于再度陷入泥沼... ...
想想這三年來,我也學了不少...尤其是待人處事方面,更是累積了一些心得...身邊的人主要分成三類...一是談得來的人、二是關系還算過得去的acquaintance、三是你看她不順眼她也看你不爽的人...對于第一類,也就是談得來的人,可稱的上是’朋友’...但朋友也分幾類,一類是’要好朋友’、另一類則是’普通朋友’...對于’要好朋友’應當互相信任,坦誠相待;對于’普通朋友’則以禮相待,表面上過得去就行了,不必注入太多心思( 因為’普通朋友’是很難升級為’要好朋友’,反之則較容易)...’要好朋友’有難同當有福同享,她們絕不會在危難之時丟下你落跑(不過得留意那些披着羊皮的狼)...’普通朋友’說難聽點就是所謂的’酒肉朋友’,靠不得...
對于第二類的acquaintance...你就要看,如果對方有利于你,那一定要和她搞好關系,甚至想辦法讓她成為’普通朋友’...若對方對你沒啥用處的,也別急着翻臉不認人...沒準那天你得有求于別人... ...
