Thursday, December 29, 2011

Overspending :(

I've been spending on average about $300 in half a month!! :O
Now I understand why whenever I draw money at the atm, the balance figure is soooo small >.<
Got my paycheck today! Yayness~~

Shall curb my spending...if possible. Heh.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I think I was buying time.

I do not know much much longer I have left.

Maybe I do know, I just do not want that day to come.

How imprudent of me,
when I was the one dishing out advices like not falling so hard... :/

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Current Status

it pays to be straightforward. and i realised i like talking. :)

current status:
the feeling is there and i think it is mutual. but both of us do not know where we're heading to.
he lives in the present, with no thoughts about the future. he just want to enjoy the present. he just wants some company.
as for me, i do not see any future. and me being rational, i do not see any point of going forward if there's no possible future to look at.
but i'm being irrational because i enjoy his presence. and i do not want to do anything to break off the feeling even though i know fully well that we're heading nowhere...