Sunday, October 31, 2010



原本有点排斥看这部剧,只因为罗志祥那“惊世骇俗丑不垃圾香菇头”造型实在让人开不下去。(嘿,我只爱看帅哥美女.. *.*)


Monday, October 11, 2010

Eat Pray Love

'Eat pray love' was a major dissapointment. oh wells, i wasn't expecting much before the movie anyway, but it was still bad. julia roberts managed to pull the show tgt but the storyline's too weak i think. it's good as a book but putting it into a movie, the story's just too bland. but nevertheless, it does have a few good lines.

"sometimes, losing your balance because of love is the balance in life." (or something like that.)

hmmmm... but what is the balance in life exactly? i don't really know. all i know is that i feel happy now. despite the presence of tons of proj and assignments. haha.

yup. i'm happy! :)